Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Tokyo moon is out of reach. Equality is out of reach. Exploitation, what a word, so overused, so underappreciated. What is your slave wage buying you? What would anything else be? It's not about the money, it's about sending a message. You still can't say she won't start up a fight. Without the fight we are part of it all...without it, there is no fight. There is nowhere to go, no place to be, where we are not just what we are now. What do you believe in? It's already been taken from you. What do you own? Nothing. Where is your family? Destroyed.

We have nothing left and refuse to believe it's something to fight and die for. The brave do not fear the grave. They do not seek it either. But we all find ourselves there anyway. And it's the best we can do.

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